Thursday, October 3, 2019

Assignment 6-Sarah Clark-a history of western society

Early in the summer between my freshman and sophomore year, my brother encouraged me to enroll in AP European History as my elective. To 15 year old me, my initial thought was something along the lines of “No way, that’s boring and nerdy and gross.” However, as the captain of the debate team would, Sam continued to argue with me to take the class. Tired of his badgering, I grudgingly agreed, figuring I would take the class for a few days, then switch to Psychology. 
After 3 short days in Mrs. Behler’s European History class (and already hours worth of homework), I realized I had no desire whatsoever to switch out of that class. I enjoyed reading the dense textbook, learning how to differentiate the 4 Fredrick-Wilhelms of Prussia, analyze abstruse texts, and discuss Fabian Society compared with contemporary socialist movements. I learned more in this class than any other: I am no longer ignorant to the triumphs and failures of the past. I am so glad Sam forced me into taking it.

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