Friday, October 11, 2019

Juliann Hyatt Hates place value #6

Ever since I started taking AP Calculus and learning derivatives, I’ve become increasingly frustrated with how the school system works. Derivatives are so useful! Why haven’t we learnt this before? I honestly don’t understand why kids have to spend three years in math before they even get to learn what fractions are. Common core for an entire country with a myriad of different intellect fails to create a learning system which teaches anything. Place value? We learned in kindergarten. And 1st grade. And 2nd. And 3rd. And again in 4th. Guess what? Place value doesn’t change. The ones place in 2008 is the same ones place in 2012. Yet every year, we open our books and learn place value again. Even in advanced math courses. This time could have been used teaching more advanced math concepts to get us ahead in class and to help us do well on math placement tests so that kids could end up taking higher math classes in high school. 

But no. 

Gotta know which one is the tens place. 

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