Sunday, December 1, 2019

Assignment 14- Hannah Whaley- my thanksgiving

Bears, snow tubing, football, hot tubs, lifeguards and children. What do all these things have in common? They all occurred during my thanksgiving break. I often go somewhere with my friend Taylor’s family for thanksgiving. This year, we went to a cabin in Virginia. There are lots of bears and deer in the woods of VA. Taylor’s uncle and his kids were also there, which was a fun time. Anyways, one of the first things we did was go snow tubing, in which I looked like a doofus. Very fun! Then, we played family football, in which I proceeded to tackle Taylor’s mom on accident. Not a great idea - she scares me. The first hot tub occurred at the cabin, where Taylor and I sat in a 98 degree tub as the tornado warning rushed around us. The wind whistled and screeched so loudly I could hardly hear Taylor begging to go inside. The next two hot tubs occurred at an indoor water park know as Massanutten. We went there to please the little ones that wanted to do something other than sit around and eat food all day. There, I encountered two hot tubs - one lukewarm pool with a bunch of gross little kids and another steamy tub with almost nobody in it. I, of course, tried to approach the latter. I was immediately shut down by some tubby old lifeguard who claimed I didn’t look eighteen. And so, I proceeded to pout in the lazy river, loud enough for the youngest lifeguard to overhear.
“I’m SEVENTEEN, it’s SO ridiculous that I can’t even get in the hot tub. I’m so cold!”
This younger lifeguard, who was not bad looking I must add, did of course hear this. Feeling pity for my freezing self, he butted into the conversation and said Taylor and I could go into the hot tub during his shift. I thanked him and he smiled like an idiot and that was all. Sometimes you gotta work smarter not harder. Taylor proceeded to claim she couldn’t take me anywhere because of my behavior. But how did we end up in the hot tub? Certainly not by sitting idly and doing nothing... which is actually kind of what I did but either way whatever. That’s how I became known as the skank of the trip. The end.

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