Sunday, December 8, 2019

Juliann Hyatt Assignment 11 Mary and Lia

Due to the alphabet, I generally end up sitting next to the same people: Lia and Mary. Lia and I went to
middle school together, and we never really talked much. She’s very quiet and polite, and deals with
grading my horrible vocab tests and me eating random quantities of random fruits during class. I know
that she used to play volleyball and she has an older brother she was mistaken for a lot in middle school.
She used to play violin for the school’s orchestra. Even though I’ve known her longer than I have Mary,
we don’t really talk so my knowledge of her is limited. 
Now on to Mary. This goes back to freshman year, when we sat next to each other in Mr. Lentz’s English
class. We didn’t talk at first, but after a while she started laughing when I’d run into class with all my
books in my arms as the bell rang, and also when I’d ask if there was a quiz. Mr Lentz eventually did not
like us because we would make sarcastic comments throughout class and he could hear us. Mary went
to Tates Creek, is mildly Catholic, has a younger brother, and lives somewhere close to me as we go to
the same Kroger. She likes Cardi B and speaks French. She puts up with me far more than I think
anyone else would during class. 
They're both pretty cool people.
(the formatting is killing me on this post I'm sorry)

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