Sunday, December 8, 2019

Assignment 14- Mary Huffman- Oh, Baby!

My typical Thanksgiving is spent at my aunt and uncle’s house in St. Louis. We usually stay out of my aunt’s way while she cooks all morning, and we eat an early dinner. This, of course, allows us to eat throughout the rest of the day. My dad likes to be a difficult person, so he told his sister we wouldn’t be visiting her for Thanksgiving unless he was allowed to make the turkey. This kinda freaked her out, but she had no choice, and agreed to his terms. We had a nice few Thanksgiving meals, but the best part of the day was my aunt saying repeatedly how relaxed she was, and how strange it was for her to not be stuck in the kitchen all day. The next day, my cousin and his wife and children stopped by. The kids, my brother, and I decorated the Christmas tree (a little premature, I know) with my aunt, which was quite the production. The highlight of the holiday, though, was also the most surprising moment. This stays between you and me: my cousin’s wife announced she’s expecting another baby! I think every time I visit with my older cousins, they announce a pregnancy, which is really quite fun. The expectant mother and I talked more than we have since she married my cousin about eight years ago. It really warmed my heart that we got along as well as we did, mostly because my other cousins mostly prefer my brother’s company.

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